7 Opulent Flowers That Start with O

If you’re looking for some new flowers to add to your garden, planters, or even for indoor use, then you’ve come to the right place. Of the thousands of flowers out there, there are plenty that start with O, and they can be truly stunning.

That’s exactly what we want to look at today, a variety of flowers that start with O. As far as flowers that start with the letter O are concerned, we’ll take a look at some of the most popular ones, including what they’re ideal for and how to care for them.

List of Flowers That Start with O

  1. Oxalis
  2. Osteospermum
  3. Ornithogalum
  4. Orlaya
  5.  Oncidium
  6. Oenothera
  7. Omphalodes

1. Oxalis

Flowers that start with O - Oxalis

Oxalis is also known as Shamrock or wood sorrel, the first on our list of flowers that start with O. This is a beautiful perennial that features clover-like leaves with very delicate flowers. There are actually many species included in this genus. Although they’re native to Africa and South America, they’ve become popular around the world due to their easy maintenance and great aesthetic qualities.

They’re extremely versatile because they can be used in rock gardens, as houseplants, or as ground covers as well. In general, the foliage of this plant resembles a three-leaf clover and can be purple or green, which makes these plants look very nice even when the flowers aren’t blooming. The flowers themselves come in clusters around the foliage, and are star-shaped.

  • Necessidade de rega: Constantly moist soil – avoid waterlogging.
  • Cor de Bloom: Pink, white, purple, yellow
  • Zona de dureza: 6-11
  • Altura madura: 6-15 inches (15-38 cm)
  • Exposição à luz solar: Partial shade to full shade

2. Osteospermum

Flowers that start with O - Osteospermum

Osteospermum, another one of the many flowers that start with O, also known as the African Daisy, is a beautiful flower that is native to South Africa. It comes in many different colors, such as yellow, white, pink, and purple.

These are sub-shrubs or perennials, and they work really well for landscapes and gardens because they have very long blooming seasons. They’re often used as ground cover, in borders, and in containers. The flowers are very bright and cheerful, along with very good looking foliage.

If you’re looking to add a bit of color to any outdoor space, then this is a great flower to consider. What’s really cool is that the flowers close during the night and then reopen in the morning when the sun comes out.

  • Necessidade de rega: Regular watering – constantly moist soil
  • Cor de Bloom: Yellow, pink, white, purple, blue
  • Zona de dureza: 9-11
  • Altura madura: 12-24 inches (30-60 cm)
  • Exposição à luz solar: Sol total à sombra parcial

3. Ornithogalum

Flowers that start with O - Ornithogalum

As far as flowers that start with O are concerned, one of the most striking ones is Ornithogalum, also known as the star of Bethlehem. This is a flowering plant that is native to Africa and parts of the Mediterranean region.

These are perennials that feature flowers shaped like stars, with foliage that is grass-like in nature. There are a few popular species of this flower that are used in gardens, including Ornithogalum umbellatum and Ornithogalum dubium. They’re often used as cut flowers for indoor bouquets, but they work well for rock gardens and in borders as well.

What’s nice about these flowers is that the star shaped clusters open in succession, which means that they have a fairly long blooming period. Long after the flowers have faded, the foliage remains, creating a very attractive look.

  • Necessidade de rega: Moderate – well-drained soil
  • Cor de Bloom: Yellow or white, some may be orange or green-hued
  • Zona de dureza: 7-10
  • Mature Height: 8-24 inches (20-60 cm)
  • Exposição à luz solar: Sol total à sombra parcial

4. Orlaya

Flowers that start with O - Orlaya

Orlaya is another beautiful flower that starts with O, often referred to as white laceflower. This is a biannual or annual flower that is native to regions of southern Europe. It features Lacey white flowers that are extremely delicate.

It’s a very popular choice if you want to add a bit of elegance to your floral arrangements and gardens. Although often used as cut flowers, they work well for borders and cottage gardens as well.

The foliage resembles ferns, and makes for good contrast with the clusters of white flowers. As the name implies, the blooms of the white lace flower resemble lace, which explains their name. They look really nice and create a fluffy and flowing effect in your garden.

  • Necessidade de rega: Moderate – requires well-drained soil
  • Cor de Bloom: Branco
  • Zona de dureza: 5-9
  • Altura madura: 18-24 inches (45-60 cm)
  • Exposição à luz solar: Sol total à sombra parcial

5. Oncidium

Flowers that start with O - dancing lady orchid

Oncidium is a prime choice as far as flowers that start with O are concerned, with this one being commonly known as dancing lady orchid. This is a type of orchid that is native to a variety of subtropical and tropical regions in the Americas.

They feature very intricate and bright flowers that last for a long time. Among those who love poor kids and people who like flowers that bloom for long periods, they are fan favorites. Most often, these flowers are grown in greenhouses or as houseplants, as they are somewhat delicate. They’re most popularly used for floral arrangements.

  • Necessidade de rega: Moderado
  • Cor de Bloom: Yellow, white, pink, brown, red
  • Zona de dureza: 9-11
  • Altura madura: 12-24 inches (30-60 cm)
  • Exposição à luz solar: Bright and indirect light

6. Oenothera

Flowers that start with O - evening primrose

Oenothera is commonly referred to as evening primrose. This is a type of plant native to the Americas, and it’s known for having various medicinal properties. It features extremely vibrant yellow flowers that look great in any garden.

The name evening primrose comes from the fact that these flowers tend to open in the evening and then close by the next morning. This makes them a very interesting addition to any garden.

They’re often used in wildflower gardens and borders, but can be commonly found in meadows as well. As far as pollinators like bees and butterflies are concerned, these are some of the best flowers to have in your garden.

  • Necessidade de rega: Low to moderate
  • Cor de Bloom: Yellow, pink, red, white
  • Zona de dureza: 4-9
  • Altura madura: 12-36 inches (30-90 cm)
  • Exposição à luz solar: Sol total à sombra parcial

7. Omphalodes

Flowers that start with O - Omphalodes

Omphalodes is also known as blue-eyed Mary or navelwort. This is the type of flowering plant native to Asia and Europe. They are perennials that produce very small white or blue flowers, along with thick green foliage. 

These flowers are ideal to use as ground cover, for woodland gardens, and for shaded garden areas. They bloom early in the spring and provide your garden with a bit of color while all of your other flowers are not yet in bloom.

  • Necessidade de rega: Moderado
  • Cor de Bloom: Blue, white
  • Zona de dureza: 4-8
  • Mature Height: 6-12 inches (15-30 cm)
  • Exposição à luz solar: Partial shade to full shade
Fabian Raemy

Fabian Raemy é um antófilo dedicado, um verdadeiro amante das flores. Sejam rosas ou rampiões, vermelhas, brancas ou azuis, Fabian gosta de todas elas da mesma forma. Com um tom experiente e realista, ele oferece suas dicas para todas as suas necessidades florais.