Named for Brazilian landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx, this philodendron is easy to grow and beautiful to keep. Like alocasia and aglaonema, it’s a member of the Araceae family, and shares their long, heart-shaped leaves. Its deep, glossy green keeps even dim indoor spaces looking vibrant and bright.
Philodendron Burle Marx is a great plant for smaller spaces. It grows about 2 feet high and while it can reach between 2 and 4 feet in width, it is a climbing plant and can be trained to grow upwards or planted in a hanging basket to save on floor space.
Burle Marx Hybrids to Choose From
There are a few hybrids of Burle Marx that might catch your attention as you’re plant shopping. Be on the lookout for these stunning variations:
- Philodendron Burle Marx Fantasy—grey green foliage with prominent green veins
- Philodendron Burle Marx Variegata—variegated dark green leaves with splashes of light green, yellow and/or white
- Philodendron Burle Marx Albo Variegata—strongly variegated leaves in yellow, green and even light pink
Variegated philodendron Burle Marx, Albo Variegata and Burle Marx Fantasy philodendron are less common, and you can expect to pay more for them than for your typical houseplant. If you’re budgeting, choose young plants rather than mature ones to stretch your dollars.
Burle Marx Philodendron Care
Philodendron Burle Marx care is straightforward and simple. It’s a tropical plant and it likes feeling like it’s in the tropics, so think average to high humidity and warmth.
Put your plant someplace where it can get bright, indirect light but not direct sunlight—the leaves of this plant are prone to burning. It tolerates low light, but 4-6 hours of indirect light will help it to stay its healthiest.
Philodendron Burle Marx variegated care differs slightly when it comes to light. Like any variegated plant, it needs more light to keep the contrast of its leaves bright, so keep this plant out of dark corners.
Burle Marx philodendron soil needs to be light and well-draining. Use peat moss or a peat-perlite mix rather than a heavy soil. A pot with drainage holes is essential to keep the plant’s roots from rotting.
Water your philodendron regularly, keeping the soil moist but not wet. Check soil moisture by sticking a finger 1-2 inches below the soil level. If it feels dry, it’s time to water. Back off of watering when the weather gets cold, watering every 7 days or so.
This philodendron doesn’t need fertilizer, but if you wish to, feed the plant monthly during the warm months, using a slow-release fertilizer. Slow down to an every-other-month feeding schedule over the winter.
Burle Marx isn’t prone to many problems. That said, watch for pests like mealybugs and thrips. With philodendron Burle Marx leaves, turning yellow is a sign of overwatering, while turning brown is a sign of underwatering. Scorched leaves are a sign of too much light.
How to Grow a Philodendron Burle Marx Plant
Philodendron Burle Marx propagation is easy and there are several ways to do it. The first is to take a stem cutting.
Stem Cuttings
Find a leaf node (those bumps on the plant where new growth emerges). Using a clean, sharp knife or a clean, sharp pair of shears, cut a stem ½ to 1 inch below the node. Your cutting should have at least one leaf, in addition to the node and a few aerial roots.
One method of Burle Marx philodendron propagation is to place the cutting in water and put it in bright indirect light. The nodes and any aerial roots should be under the water line. Change the water out every 3-4 days to keep it clean. When the roots reach 2 inches in length, pot the cutting in a well-draining soil mix and water thoroughly. Then care for the plant as usual.
A second method is to leave the cutting out someplace warm to cure it. Burle Marx philodendron sap will callous over the end of a cutting in about a week to 10 days. Once the cutting is calloused, you can plant it in well-draining soil, water thoroughly and care as usual. It might take several weeks, but the stem should take root.
Air Layering
Air layering is a method of propagation that lets you check whether roots will grow well before you remove the cutting.
Find a stem section that includes a leaf node, strong-looking aerial roots and at least one leaf. Place a thick handful of damp moss around the aerial roots. Then wrap the moss in plastic wrap and secure it gently but firmly.
Unwrap the moss and check it weekly. Mist it when it feels like it’s drying out. Avoid bright light while you’re air layering—moist moss in plastic can grow algae. When the roots have grown at least 2 inches long, remove the moss and cut the stem an inch or two below the roots. Then plant in well-draining soil and care for your new Burle Marx as usual.
How to propagate philodendron Burle Marx
Propagate your Burle Marx through stem cuttings or air layering. For a stem cutting, cut the stem an inch or two below a leaf node and either place the cutting directly in water or cure the cutting for 7-10 days and then pot in well-draining soil.
For air layering, wrap a leaf node in damp moss and cover the moss in plastic. Check the moss weekly, keeping it damp and watching for signs of root growth. Once roots are 2 inches long, cut below the leaf node and plant in well-draining soil.
How to grow philodendron Burle Marx
Place a newly rooted plant in a small pot filled with moist, well-drained soil. Water thoroughly. Keep the soil moist but not wet. Place the new plant in bright, indirect light.
Burle Marx philodendron—how do you divide it?
Unpot the plant and pull apart gently to loosen the root mass. Cut the root mass in half, or into smaller sections, using a sharp knife. Then repot the divisions in fresh soil.
Where to buy philodendron Burle Marx
Try your local greenhouse, nursery or garden centre first. They’ll have a healthier selection and more knowledgeable staff than a big box store. They’re also more likely to have variegated Burle Marx philodendron. If you can’t find one locally, order online from a reputable tropical plant seller.
How to care for philodendron Burle Marx
The TLDR version of this post is to pot your Burle Marx in well-draining soil and keep it somewhere it will get plenty of bright, indirect light, warm temperatures and high humidity. Water when the top 2 inches of its soil are dry.
Can philodendron Burle Marx grow in water?
Yes, you can grow philodendron Burle Marx in water. Place the plant in a vase and fill with clean, room temperature water. Change the water every 3-4 days to keep the roots healthy and free of rot.
Is philodendron Burle Marx a vining plant?
Yes. If supported by a moss pole or another structure, it will twine up. If not, it will trail over the edges of the pot.
Is Burle Marx rare?
Not at all. You can find philodendron Burle Marx for sale in tons of online and brick and mortar nurseries. Some sellers will claim that it’s rare, however, and charge more for it. Be aware that a Burle Marx philodendron price should be no higher than for other tropical plants.
Is philodendron Burle Marx toxic?
Yes—it contains calcium oxalate crystals, so keep it away from kids and pets. Signs of ingestion include pain, swelling and irritation of the mouth, drooling, vomiting and difficulty swallowing.
Does a philodendron Burle Marx need a moss pole?
Not necessarily. To keep your philodendron Burle Marx climbing where you want it to, you can invest in a pole. Otherwise, it will trail or twine where it wishes.
What kind of soil does philodendron like?
Light, airy, mildly acidic and well-draining soil is the key to growing a healthy, large philodendron Burle Marx. Avoid heavy soils and opt for a mix including coir or peat.
How do you plant a Burle Marx philodendron?
Prepare a small pot with drainage holes and fill with a well-draining soil medium. Make a small hole in the medium with your fingers and place the plant in it, being careful not to damage any delicate roots.
Gently pack the soil around the plant and water thoroughly. If the plant leans over, tie it to a stake and pack the soil gently around the plant again.
How do you mix soil for philodendron?
Philodendron plants like airy soil, so try any of these mixes:
· 1 part potting soil with 1 part peat moss or coco coir
· 1 part potting soil and 1 part orchid bark
· 2 parts potting soil, 1 part peat moss and 1 part orchid bark
· 3 parts potting soil and 1 part perlite
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