Discount flower delivery is available from your local florist or from various floral websites. Most florists offer bouquets and arrangements in a variety of price ranges to help customers find something that suits their budget. Coupons and special discounts can also make floral delivery more affordable.
Types of discount flower delivery
There are numerous types of discounts available from florists:
Free delivery – Many florists offer free delivery if you purchase flowers online. FromYouFlowers, for example, offers free delivery with any floral purchase. The website states it is a $14.99 value. For more ideas, check out Want to send flowers online cheap? Try these 5 websites.
Sale prices or discounted prices – Look for the words “limited offer” or “special value” on florists’ websites to denote lower prices on standard bouquets and arrangements.
Free gift with purchase of flowers – Some florists offer a free decorative vase, a free cachepot (decorative pot), balloons or chocolates as a gift with the purchase of flowers.
Discounted wedding flowers – For brides on a budget, discount flower delivery services offer them a simple way to save money yet still have beautiful flowers on their special day. You can even create your own tabletop arrangements or simple bouquets by grouping stems together and tying them with a ribbon. Same-day shipping is available on many items, so you’ll likely be able to get your flowers quickly, but if you plan on buying a lot of them, we recommend that you take a look at our Tips for Ordering Bulk Flowers first.
Other ideas for discount floral delivery
Prices for floral delivery often rise during times of peak demand. For example, having a dozen roses delivered exactly on Valentine’s Day may be more expensive than having the same flowers delivered on another day. Instead of having flowers delivered exactly on a special holiday, why not time them so that they’re delivered the day before, or the day after?
Birthdays are great to celebrate with flowers or living gifts, such as a flowering plant, and since most birthdays do not fall on a busy holiday, you may save money by using discount codes, coupons or free delivery offers on your loved one’s birthday.
Lastly, try using a local florist for free same day delivery. Even if you order flowers online, many web-based companies will outsource the delivery to a local firm. The closer the florist is to the recipient, the more likely they are to offer free delivery.
Whether you need flowers for a birthday or a special event such as a wedding, there are many ways to find free and discount flower delivery. The money saved on delivery can even be used to buy a bigger bouquet—or send flowers again soon!
by Jeanne Grunert