Jasmine are some of the most inspirational and fragrant flowers that exist. From ancient times until today, many have found inspiration in the beauty and scent of jasmines and wrote elaborate praises of them. Thanks to these writers, we have this collection of jasmine flower quotes!
Jasmine Quotes
Learn more about how writers in the past and the present viewed the jasmine by reading through these quotes about jasmine.
The sound of her laughter was sticky as sap, the smell of night-blooming jasmine soft as a milk bath. — Janet Fitch
The scent of winter jasmine filled the room. “But life is more than those moments, Lou. We’re more than those moments.” — Shelby Mahurin
the jasmine lightness
of the moon. — William Carlos Williams
Downtown is passing notes of perfume and feces and wood-smoked cuisine wafting through the streets between piles of vomit left over from last night’s bender. […] It is the maddening frustration of traffic jams borne of closed streets and the ecstasy of jasmine in bloom by the cathedral on a warm spring night. — Dan Johnson

I know who opens the door to the jasmine tree as it makes our dreams blossom for the evening’s guests. — Mahmoud Darwish
She liked the way this road smelled in the evenings, like rain falling on night-blooming jasmine. Locusts sang old songs in the darkness. — Lauren Kate
The rose does not care if someone calls it a thorn, or a jasmine. Ordinary eyes categorize human beings, That one is a Zoroastrian. This one, Muslim. Walk instead with the other vision given you, your first eyes. — Rumi
The only certainty was that they took everything with them: money, December breezes, the bread knife, thunder at 3 in the afternoon, the scent of jasmines, love. All that remained were the dusty almond trees, the reverberating streets, the houses of wood and roofs of rusting tin with their taciturn inhabitants, devastated by memories. — Gabriel García Márquez
The peach blossom will be next, then the jasmine. Each year it is the same, will continue to be the same for years to come. Long after I am here to enjoy them. Eternally fresh, eternally hopeful, always ingenuous. — Kate Morton
The nights are white nights as the moon shines with dazzling splendor, or in the absence of that goddess, the soft darkness creeps down laden with innumerable scents. The heavy fragrance of magnolias mingled with the delicate sweetness of jasmine and wild roses. — Zora Neale Hurston
There was something narcotic about that jasmine, something carnal and ethereal at the same time. — Deanna Raybourn
About half the people who inhale jasmine will think of honey, and the other half, unfortunately, will think of urine. They’re both right. — Amy Stewart
Sewage ran in the streets, yet to me it would always be the city of jasmine, the air thick with the fragrance of crushed blossoms. — Deanna Raybourn
Jasmine flowers are so pale, so delicate. You think they couldn’t survive in this relentless tropical heat. But they thrive on it. They go strong and gorgeous, and they bloom. Their perfume is . . . intoxicating, so strong that it leaves its mark on you long after you’ve left behind. — Hanna Alkaf

The jasmine stood all bathed in dew;
Wet were the violet’s lids of blue. — Jami
My walk home
in spring
smells like
childhood piano lessons
dipped in jasmine
tapped out
like three note songs on
elevated on telephone books — Kirli Saunders
Everywhere, shit and spit and jasmine and marigold. And somewhere in the distance, the sea. — Tishani Doshi
Do not weep for me. I am the cool breeze on a hot summer day. I am the aroma of the jasmine that grows in the garden. — Sharmishtha Shenoy
The smell of jasmine is light, rising upward from the ground, not heavy
and earthbound. Metaphorically, it represents freedom; there is nothing holding it down, just as there is nothing holding down the moon. — George Lakoff
The fragrance of jasmine filled the closed room with a pungency that threatened suffocation. — Kate Morton
His answering smile evoked silken sheets and jasmine-scented breezes at midnight. — Sarah J. Maas
She liked the way this road smelled in the evenings, like rain falling on night-blooming jasmine. — Lauren Kate

Give us gladness that connects
with the Friend, a taste of the quick,
you that makes a cypress strong
and jasmine jasmine. — Rumi
When you go to a garden, do you look at thorns or flowers? Spend more time with the roses and jasmine. — Rumi
I savor life, I sip at it, like jasmine tea sweetened with honey. — Valérie Perrin
The smell of jasmine makes people tell their secrets. — Jandy Nelson

There is so much jasmine and nightshade in the garden that we all wake with lyrical headaches. — Frances Mayes
Fragile and fleeting, jasmine is a fair nymph of a flower with a potent perfume. A world without jasmine? Simply unimaginable. — Jan Moran
Breathe deeply, and you’ll smell the jasmine and dusty sage. — Steffie Nelson
The dawn is smiling on the dew that covers
The tearful roses; lo, the little lovers
That kiss the buds, and all the flutterings
In jasmine bloom, and privet, of white wings,
That go and come, and fly, and peep and hide,
With muffled music, murmured far and wide. — Victor Hugo
Our dreams drive us so. One after another. Jasmine sprung bravely from the fertile soil of our suffering. And who can live without dreams? — David B. Lentz
A breeze blew softly, slightly rippling the water as it carried the heady scents of late Carolina springtime through the air. Honeysuckle. Jasmine. Ripe, pungent river mud. Ah, the world felt right. — Caitlin Rush
every year it seems
the jasmine
creeps back
into my life
just when I begin to worry
nothing will smell sweet
anymore — Samantha Rae Lazar
the fragrance in my words is not me
But a reflection of your soul
The scent of jasmine is the beauty of your heart
That is the source of soulful you — Vishwas Chavan
I couldn’t remember; I could only recall that it was the first time I had understood that everything—my life, my family, the spring evenings with their scent of jasmine and the grand feeling that life was an adventure—would not last. — Patti Callahan Henry

The light then scrubs the darkened skies awakens deer and antelope. And time breathes life in slow, sweet sighs perfumed by jasmine, love and hope.— Ninie Hammon
Scent of jasmine and tears. — Cathy Cassidy
And there are flowers in her hair, always jasmine. — Maureen Baird-Murray
Jasmine Love Quotes
See how the jasmine was used as a symbol of love and plot element to keep the romantic tension going through our compilation of jasmine love quotes!
Not bombs nor my broken heart can take away from me walking barefoot with you in jasmine June through the Field of Mars. — Paullina Simons
For myself, I think some things are beyond words. The color blue can only be experienced, as can the scent of jasmine or the sound of a flute. — Robin Hobb
That warm summery sandalwood scent of his mixed with the jasmine.
That’s got to be what heaven smells like. — Colleen Houck
To be the other woman
is to be a season
that is always about to end,
when the air is flowered
with jasmine and peach,
and the weather day after day
is flawless,
and the forecast
is hurricane. — Linda Pastan

I don’t know anything about her, yet somehow I remember the arch of her smile. The soft river of her hair. The flutter of her eyes when she watches me. The scent of her skin like jasmine and vanilla. […] She is a name and a heartbeat that lives inside me. — Shea Ernshaw
The words that make the rose bloom were also said to me.
The words told to the cypress to make it grow strong and straight.
The instructions whispered to the jasmine.
And whatever was said to the sugarcane to make it sweet.
And to the pomegranate flowers to make them blush.
The same thing is being said to me. — Rumi
Flashes of her jewel studded ears, another pair of shells; and her long hair lovingly braided by her servants with thick strands of white and yellow jasmine flowers interlaced in them. He wanted to caress those flowers with his finger. — Mukta Singh-Zocchi
The jasmine wreath that you wove me thrills to my heart like praise. It is a game of giving and withholding, revealing and screening again; some smiles and some little shyness, and some sweet useless struggles. This love between you and me is simple as a song. — Rabindranath Tagore
In the fog of jasmine, she kissed him. It was like landing somewhere she should have been all along, a different plane, soft and unbelievably seductive—a place completely theirs but one she’d never dared explore. — Marjan Kamali
for you
I will learn to play the concertina,
to write poems full of hateful jasmine and
longing, to keep the dead alive, to sicken
at the least separation. — Tess Gallagher
My dear Amily with her mischievious eyes,
Hear songs do my ears, whenever she speaks.
With her fragrance and aura of jasmine,
Feel I do that I am in heaven. — Yasir Sulaiman
The raindrop whispered to the jasmine, “Keep me in your heart for ever.”
The jasmine sighed, “Alas,” and dropped to the ground.” — Rabindranath Tagore

…but all it takes is one whiff of the right smell—jasmine, lapsang souchong, a specific old-fashioned soap that I’ve never been able to identify—or one sideways shaft of afternoon light at a particular angle, and I’m lost, in thrall all over again. — Tana French
The scent of jasmine was intoxicating, and she knew suddenly, certainly, that from now on, whenever she smelled jasmine, she would remember this good-bye. — Kristin Hannah
Back from the wind, he called to me with a mouthful of crickets— smoke & jasmine rising from his hair. I waited for the night to wane into decades—before reaching for his hands. — Ocean Vuong
Jasmine smells like human flesh. Mix it with cumin, which smells like sweat, and you have the scent of sex. If you spread it on your body, watch out, you’ll have sycophants all over the place, people crawling out of the woodwork to be close to you. — Margot Berwin
Today, the bazaar looks busy.
Buy me a mola.
An elbowlength of strung jasmine. — Lakshmi Bharadwaj
Between the plaster and the jasmines,
your gaze was a pale branch, seeding.
I tried to give you, in my breastbone,
the ivory letters that say ever. — Federico García Lorca
He loved her. The knowledge came to him like a whiff of her jasmine—unmistakable no matter how faint or subtle. This was not mere affection, not infatuation, not a passing preoccupation. He’d caught the love, well and truly. — Grace Burrowes
Out of jasmine the night’s blood streams white. Your perfume,
my weakness and your secret, follows me like a snakebite. — Mahmoud Darwish

Jasmines are not only pretty and fragrant, they also give us some of the most interesting jasmine quotes and most romantic jasmine love quotes! Which of them did you like the best?
If it’s not on the list, comment your most favorite jasmine flower quote! Get inspired; feel free to make your own jasmine quotes and share your best creations with us.
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