The tiger lily, (Lilium lancifolium or Lilium tigrinum), a herbaceous perennial, is indigenous to various parts of Asia, such as Korea, Japan, China, and the Russian Far East.
Thanks to their amazing beauty and popularity, the tiger lily is now also found growing in most parts of the world.
We could talk endlessly about the beauty of the flower and how to best grow it, but what we are really here for today is the meaning behind it.
Various spiritual and cultural meanings are associated with many flowers, particularly the tiger lily.
In this article, you’re going to learn what the various tiger lily meanings are. As you will see, the meaning can vary greatly depending on the exact color or type of tiger lily in question, as well as the culture.
Meaning of Tiger Lilies (by Color)
Tiger lilies can have many different meanings depending on what colors they are. The exact meanings that these flowers have may also depend on the culture or area of the world in question, so let’s start with the orange lily.
Orange Tiger Lily Meaning

The orange tiger lily’s meaning can differ greatly depending on who you ask. For the most part, this flower’s meaning is thought to be positive. The orange lily is usually thought to represent various emotions such as pride and confidence.
In some cases, the orange lily is associated with being far too prideful, to the point of being conceited. In some cultures, the orange lily flower can also be taken to mean wealth, as some of the spots on the flower may look like coins.
There are also more extreme and negative meanings associated with the orange tiger lily, including hatred, disdain, and anger. On the other hand, friendship, love, and passion, may also be associated with the orange tiger lily, so it really depends on the specific culture you’re asking about.
Red Tiger Lily Meaning

The red tiger lily can grow up to 40 inches in height, and they generally bloom all throughout the summer months. The red tiger lily features a relatively slender stem, thinner than the orange tiger lily, along with more delicate leaves.
The red tiger lily has bright red petals which are often said to symbolize courage and passion, and in some cultures, that bright red color is also associated with determination and strength.
Just like with red roses, there are also some cultures that say that red tiger lilies are a symbol of deep love and undying friendship.
Blue Tiger Lily Meaning

We then have the blue tiger lily, which is even more delicate and slender than both the orange and the red tiger lilies. These are very small and delicate flowers, along with fine petals, which reach 30 inches in height at the most.
Historically speaking, the color blue has often been associated with royalty and nobility, as is also the case with the blue tiger lily. The blue tiger lily is said to represent nobility and royalty.
However, blue is also associated with peace, which is why the blue tiger lily is often seen as a symbol of serenity, tranquility, and peace. Many people also associate the blue tiger lily with feelings of calmness and relaxation.
Pink Tiger Lily Meaning

On the other hand, we have the pink tiger lily. When compared to the blue tiger lily, the pink variety is much larger and thicker. These lilies can reach heights of 40 inches, along with very strong stems and large petals.
The pink tiger lily, as opposed to the red tiger lily which is often seen as a sign of love, represents friendship and admiration between close friends. In many cases, those pink petals can also be seen as representing femininity and the strength of women, as well as admiration and gentleness.
Purple Tiger Lily Meaning

If you are looking for an absolutely stunning flower to make a bouquet arrangement with, the bright yet deep purple petals of the purple tiger lily are a fine option to consider. These are perhaps some of the most vibrant tiger lilies out there.
They can reach heights of roughly 36 inches and they generally have fairly slender and delicate stems. The purple color of this tiger lily is often associated with nobility, courage, pride, and royalty.
Yellow Tiger Lily Meaning

The color yellow is very bright and has often been associated with feelings of happiness and hope, which is also the case with the yellow tiger lily.
The yellow tiger lily is often associated with feelings of energy, euphoria, cheerfulness, happiness, and hope.
The yellow tiger lily is very much a positive flower that is often given to people for good luck. On that note, the yellow tiger lily is sometimes also associated with good luck.
White Tiger Lily Meaning

The white tiger lily also has a very strong stem and can reach a maximum height of roughly 36 inches. The color white, historically, is often associated with innocence and purity, particularly sexual purity and being a virgin.
Furthermore, the color white, as is the case with the white tiger lily, is also associated with femininity. White tiger lilies are often given to young girls who have not yet had sexual relations. They therefore make for a great gift for a young and pure woman.
Eye of the Tiger Lily Meaning

When it comes to the meanings of various lily flowers based on their color, the Eye of the Tiger lily is where it gets a little complicated, because this flower features burgundy, purple, and burnt yellow. The meaning of this flower can be rather multifaceted.
Some people say that the eye of the tiger lily represents courage, fierceness, loyalty, and a fighting spirit. Other people might say that the eye of the tiger lily represents royalty and nobility.
Meaning of Tiger Lily Tattoos

People often get tattoos of the tiger lily, mainly because they just look spectacular. Many people have tiger lily tattoos because they are said to symbolize compassion and prosperity, particularly financial prosperity.
Many people also like the tiger lily tattoo because they think it represents strength, life force, and energy.
Of course, the meaning of the tiger lily tattoo can differ from one person to another, as everyone associates slightly different meanings with various objects such as flowers.
Spiritual Meaning of Tiger Lily

Tiger lilies are some of the most spiritually meaningful flowers of all, and what exactly they mean spiritually depends on the culture and period in history that we are talking about.
Across the board, the lily often symbolizes spiritual awakening, the beginning of life, rebirth, wealth, love, innocence, wealth, purity, passion, love, loyalty, fertility, and more. It may also symbolize dedication, culture, nature, and family.
Tiger Lily Meanings in Different Cultures
Let’s take a quick look at what tiger lilies mean in various cultures from around the world.

In Japan, the tiger lily is most often seen as a symbol of great financial wealth. This is why it is often given to people during events like starting a new job, moving into a new home, and graduating school.

In Korea, the main symbol of the tiger lily is friendship. According to Korean folklore, a magpie and a tiger developed a close relationship that then produced this flower. The two creatures became friends and spent the rest of their days together. As a sign of their friendship, the magpie became the tiger lily that grows on the slopes of the mountain which the tiger became when it died. This is an anecdote to show that even the most different of people can become friends.

In Buddhist tradition, the tiger lily symbolizes femininity, mercy, and compassion.
Victorian Era

In Victorian times, specifically Victorian England, tiger lilies were often associated with pride. However, this was seen as a humble pride not a pride borne out of vanity.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Tiger Lily Meaning
Does the Tiger Lily Mean “Please Love Me”?
Against popular belief, the tiger lily may symbolize the phrase “I dare you to adore me,” which the character Luce says to Rachel in the movie Imagine Me and You.
Do Tiger Lily Flowers Come Back Yearly?
Yes, tiger lilies are perennials, which means that they come back every year.
Are Tiger Lilies Poisonous?
Although the tiger lily has many positive meanings associated with it, it is very poisonous to cats.
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